Wednesday, August 6, 2008

6 Month Check Up


I had my 6 month check up today!! The Dr. said I was health and in good shape! ;=)

My weight is 15lbs and 7oz (40%)

My height is 26 in (60%) Dr. said I am going to be tall! Hopefully like my cousin Tyler and Trevor!!

My head circumference is 44 1/2 centimeters (93%) Do you all think I have a big head? I think I just have lots of brains!! Which will make me smart!!! :-)

I have been eating some veggies and now I got the green light to start on fruits!! Yummy! I am going to eat applesauce, banannas, and pears to start off with!

Here are a few pics Mommy took of me before the Dr. appointment!!

Love, Hannah Jo

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