Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A few floaters

Ok this may be disgusting to a few of you but since I used this blog as a scrapbook too...I have to post this so I don't forget about it!!

Last night Hannah Jo and I climbed the stairs to take a Bahhh (bath). I filled up the tub inside the big tub because it is easier to bath her this way. She loves the water. I had to take the cups away from her because she tries to drink the water! She is playing and splashing have a great time then she wants to stand up. I tell her no standing or we will have to get out. So she kinda squat sits and I say you must sit down Hannah Jo....then............I see them..floating around in the water. There were a few big ones and lots of small ones.

I yell for Jason he comes running up the stairs and we we just laugh. I have pulled Hannah Jo out of the water and then she tries to reach in and grab them. NO!! Don't worry she didn't get a hold of any!! So Daddy took her in the office as I cleaned up the floaters!! I then scrubbed the big tub and small tub. Then we took bath #2.

So this was so funny!! I hope it made you laugh!!

Love, Jayme Jo

1 comment:

Unknown said...

very funny hannah! thanks for not sharing pictures with us sissy!! love you!