Tuesday, November 10, 2009


What to do?? I was very much on the fence about this vaccine. I never could get a straight answer from anyone. Until my Dr. appointment with Dr. Elkinson. I asked her and she immediately said get the shot because the anti-bodies will be passed on to your lil guy when he gets here and he can’t be vaccinated. BINGO!!! Just want I needed to hear.

On Saturday November 7th, Jason left to cheer on the Cats, Hannah Jo and Mommy picked up Mamaw and headed to Paul Lawrence Dunbar High School. We arrived at 10:55 in a line that wrapped around the back side of the school. We almost left but figured it was such a nice day. Lets see how fast the line moves. Hannah Jo loved being outside. I chased her all around while Mamaw stood in line in our place. Thank goodness for Mawaw!! We waited outside for an hour then got inside and had to wait another hour. It was crazy!! I even asked if they had a special Pregger Line. They told me NO!!! Oh well. We had a great 2 hours of playing!! Of course inside Hannah Jo made more new friends and chased them around the gym. We got our shots and then off for some lunch!! We were starving!!

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