Sunday, August 23, 2009

Pee Pee in the Potty!!

This started on Wednesday August 19th. Chase and Cosmo use the potty at Ms. Edie's house so she put Hannah Jo on the pottyand guess what she went. So on Thursday morning August 20th Ms. Edie called Mommy at work and told her that I went pottythree times that morning and not in my diaper. All on the potty!! Ya!!! And I did it on Friday too. So Mommy andDaddy got out my potty at home on Thursday evening. Mommy had to take a few pics!! So on Saturday Mommy and I went and got some pink training pants. ya!! I am ready!!


Hannah Jo loves to play outside. Here are a few shots!

Bath Time

Mommy & Daddy's Trip

Mommy and Daddy went to visit Jim Bob and Jessica in Florida with Pooh Bear and Katie. Here are a few shots of their trip.They even seen Kenny Chesney!!

18 Months Old

I can do some many things and my personality is shinning through everyday. I love totalk and jabber all the time. I love to sing, read books, I eat really good...almost anything but vegtables. I weighedin at 25.8 lbs at my appointment and was 33.5 inches long!

Mommy's Birthday

Mommy had a big birthday this year. She was 30 years old on the 6th. She said she didn't mind turning 30. She has everything she needs, a beautiful little girl, a loving husband, a baby on the way, and a great career!!! :-) Did I meantioned a great big girl!! :D

Here are a few pictures of Mommy's birthday celebration!!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


So this morning when I went to get Hannah Jo out of bed she was so excited to see me. She was jumping all around. I got her out, got a big hug, and put her down. Then we did our usually routine diaper change and then back down. Well this morning after she got down she wanted to put her diaper in the trash so she ran into the bathroom made her drop and then went back into her room. Then she went straight to her dresser and picked out a pair of shorts and tried to put them on. It was so cute!!

I asked her to pick out a she looked and picked out a yellow shirt. Well Mommy didn't like it so I put it back and picked her out two others to choose from. I asked her which one she liked and said do you want to wear this one and she shook her head no and then yes for the one she wore!! So she picked out the pink tank!! It was so cute and our lil one is only 18 months old and has an opinion!! Cracks me up!!

Just wanted to share with you!!

Then when I dropped her off at Ms. Edie's house I got lots of waves from the window and a few kisses. It makes my heart melt!!

Flash back photo!!


Hannah Jo eating applesauce all by herself. She wanted no help at all. She was a big girl that wanted to eat her own applesauce. I was so proud of her. She did a great job!!