Sunday, July 26, 2009

Painting toe nails...

well this really didn't work....she would not sit still long enough...but I tried.


Hannah Jo loves to point to your nose and then she will point to her nose and anyone else in the room. Well she also likes to stick her finger up her own nose. What am I to do??? I have tried to tell her no no dirty!! Hopefully this is just a phase!! :D

Big Girl

This past week starting on Wednesday Hannah Jo had to walk herself up to Ms. Edie's house in the morning. I get her out of her seat in the car and she is off. I help her up the front steps. She waits for me to open the front door and ususally plays with the bush. Then she walks in and up Ms. Edie's stairs. Ms. Edie is up at the top to greet her. It is so cute. Then on Friday Morning Chase and Ms. Edie were in the front window and Hannah Jo saw them and stopped to wave back. It was so cute just had to share!!

Here are a few pics I took of Hannah Jo this morning before church. Grammy and Granddaddy gave her this cute little dress!!


Daddy let me drive the bus one morning!! :D

Happy 70th Birthday Uncle Frank

Uncle Frank & Aunt Gennie

The Cousins
clockwise from the top
Christine, Courtney, Hannah Jo, Kayla, & Justin

Mason Man & Hannah Jo eating a sweet treat!!

Tina, Hannah Jo, Mommy, Mason & Heather

Aunt Sissy, Granddaddy, Grammy, Hannah Jo & Mommy

Mommy and me made a trip to Wheeling a few weeks back. While we were in Wheeling we got to visit with Grammy's side of the family. Her oldest brother turned 70 years old, Uncle Frank. Here are a few pictures. We had a great time seeing all of my cousins. Mommy told me the two little girls in the picture with me were in her and Daddy's wedding years ago.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Cheerios and Milk

I love to each cheerios and milk. Yummy!! Here are a few shots of me enjoying my breakfast!!

Happy July 4th!!

We had a great 4th of July. Mommy, Daddy and Aunt Jill ran the Bluegrass 10k in the morning. I stayed with Mamaw and Aunt Lindait was too early for me!! ha!! Then we all headed downtown to participate in the festivities. We had so much fun. Mommyshared her kettle corn with me. Yummy! Don't worry she didn't let me have the kernel. Just the puffy thing!! Thenwe all had lunch!! I had a grilled cheese sandwich Mommy helped me finish it! I had my first snow cone! Watched the paradeand then it rained. After hanging out downtown we all came home and took a nap. The rain was still coming down so we all stayed being lazy.Then we headed up to Mamaw's house and played with some sparklers. We tried to watch the fireworks but I really didn't careabout watching them. I was ready for bed. :D
I had a great 2nd 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July

Happy 8th Birthday Trevor

My cousin Trevor turned 8 years old on Friday. We all went to his birthday party and I had a great time. I jumpedon the trampoline with Aunt Jill. Thanks Aunt Jill for helping me jump! I played in the rocks and ran around thebackyard all night. I sang Happy Birthday to Trevor and Uncle Randy helped me eat a cupcake.

We tried to watch the Andover Fireworks from the back deck but Hannah Jo was not very interested in them. I asked her if she wanted to watch the fireworks and she shook her head no. Started to cry so we came in the house. She was tired and ready for bed.

Climbing up

On Friday morning July 3rd when Aunt Jill was at the house. Hannah Jo decided she would climb up on the kitchen chair to be apartof the converstation I guess. She is now a climber. She climbs on everything. Had to capture this great moment!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Best pals!!

Hannah Jo and Lucy Lu...they are best pals!!

Fun with Grammy & Granddaddy!!

Ms. Edie had the week off so my Grammy and Granddaddy came down to visit for a few days. We played in my pool and outside everyday. Plus they took me to the park and out for Grater's ice cream. Yummy!!
Here are a few pictures of our fun!

Hannah Jo had a date

Hannah Jo had a date on Wednesday June 17th with her Branden. Him and his Mommy Nicole came to visit us for the evening. We hadn't seen them since November 1st so we they had a great visit with each other. So did Nicole and I. We had pizza and all four of us ate dinner at the table. It was so cute. Braden lead us in a prayer before dinner. It was so sweet. He put his hands out to say grace. Before Jason arrived home with the pizza the kids had a snack and of course the other one wanted the others. Here are a couple shots I got of them eating their snacks.

We had a great time!!