Sunday, May 31, 2009

Poor Lucy Lu

Kids definitely learn from their parents and sometimes I think they may learn the not so good habits!!

This evening we all were out on the deck. We just finished giving Lucy Lu a bath. So Hannah Jo was finishing eating her freeze pop. Jason was telling Lucy to sit down because she was trying to be in every ones business. Then Hannah Jo started wagging her little pointer finger in the air and yelling at Lucy. It was so funny!! Jason and I had to laugh. We think she has seen us yell at Lucy so many times that she now can yell at Lucy!!

Hannah Jo is so cute!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A few floaters

Ok this may be disgusting to a few of you but since I used this blog as a scrapbook too...I have to post this so I don't forget about it!!

Last night Hannah Jo and I climbed the stairs to take a Bahhh (bath). I filled up the tub inside the big tub because it is easier to bath her this way. She loves the water. I had to take the cups away from her because she tries to drink the water! She is playing and splashing have a great time then she wants to stand up. I tell her no standing or we will have to get out. So she kinda squat sits and I say you must sit down Hannah Jo....then............I see them..floating around in the water. There were a few big ones and lots of small ones.

I yell for Jason he comes running up the stairs and we we just laugh. I have pulled Hannah Jo out of the water and then she tries to reach in and grab them. NO!! Don't worry she didn't get a hold of any!! So Daddy took her in the office as I cleaned up the floaters!! I then scrubbed the big tub and small tub. Then we took bath #2.

So this was so funny!! I hope it made you laugh!!

Love, Jayme Jo

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Summertime is here!!

Lovin' the pool!!

Where are u going??

With your bibs acting as your purse!

Eating with a spoon....

Hannah Jo insisted on eating her yougart all by herself. She wanted the spoon so I let her have it!! She did so good eating her snack...aka...nak!!


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Chuck E Cheese

the trip to Chuck E Cheese didn't go so well. Not exactly sure why she wasn't happy to be at the place Where a Kid can be a Kid. Her Daddy had a great time!! He enjoyed playing skee ball!! Hannah Jo did not like the rides but she enjoyed the pizza and hanging out!! We had a great time even though the pics show differently!! ha!!

She may still be a lil too young!! :D

Furlough Fun!!

Mommy's view!! I have to say this furlough thing that I was required to take for work has been the best thing ever!! I have really enjoyed every minute of this break from work. I have enjoyed spending every minute with Hannah Jo and Jason. We have relaxed and enjoyed being a family. We have no schedule not set plans we just enjoyed each day. Except for Tuesday!! We cleaned up and out the room we used to call the office. Jason created me and Hannah Jo a wonderful Bonus room. This room is a playland, Creative Memories area, and office!! I really love it!! So the old office is holding all of Hannah Jo's clothes she can't wear and some yard sale items. Plus a pile of things that need to be shredded.

Here are some pics I took of Hannah Jo because she is so cute!!

Hangin' out with Lucy Lu!!

Lil' Twinkle Toes!

Mother's Day

It was a great day!! Relaxing and perfect weather. Hannah Jo, Lucy and I went for an hour walk in the afternoon sun after we got back from the park. Daddy had a basketball game that Sunday so Hannah Jo and I tagged along. We met some great new friends. Nolan, Jack, and Langden! We had so much fun. We finished the day off with dinner at Chili's!! Then I took a long, relaxing, and peaceful bath!!
Also...It was so cute!! Hannah Jo handed me my card. It was the cutiest thing ever. Daddy had her in his arms and he said give Mama her card and she handed it right over!! My heart melted again.


I am very behind! So Sorry but here are some pics!! Grammy and Granddaddy got this swing last fall for Hannah Jo. Daddy put it under the deck and she loves it. We have to swing every time we go outside!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

15 Months Old

Time is flying by us each day. Where is the time going? We just took Hannah Jo for her 15 month old appointment. Dr. Bennett was very pleased with her motor skills and development. Hannah Jo showed her how she likes to run, laugh, and play. She told her about Elmo and ball.
She measured in with 31 inches long, 23 lbs and 46.5 cm head size.

She stood on the big girl scale. I was so proud of her she stood up on the scale and looked at the Dora sticker. It was so cute!!

Here are a few pics I took of Hannah Jo outside last Thursday evening.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Derby Bow!!

Pink Derby Bow

Pulling Uncle Pooh's cooler

Me, Mommy, & Daddy

Yummy Cupcake!!
hey wait...this is way smaller than the one for my birthday! :-)

Hello Everyone!!

Mommy and Daddy had a few friends over last minute on Saturday afternoon to watch the Kentucky Derby!! I didn't have a big hat to wear but I did have a big pink bow!! The Durbin's brought cupcakes and they were so yummy!! Mommy let me have one and it was chocolate with yummy white icing!! :-) Then Uncle Pooh made Rice Crispy treats and these were the bestest thing ever!! I had a few bits that Amy shared with me then Mommy gave me my own!! yummy!!

Here are a few pics from our night!!

Love, Hannah Jo

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Rockin' Chair

Sitting in the rocking chair!! This rocking chair was from my great grandma Kloss' house. Granddaddy gave it to me to put in my room. Mommy thought it would be cute to take my picture while I was trying to read my Apple Dumpling book! :-)