Wednesday, April 8, 2009

14 Months Old

Eating a piece of chicken at dinner last night!

Yesterday Hananh Jo was 14 months old. Where is the time going? I can't seem to keep track. She is growing and growing everday. Her hair is getting longer and is almost long enough to stay behind her ear. I really don't want to give her bangs so that is why she wears her famous pony on top of her head!

She loves to talk on Mommy's cell phone!! She will walk around the bedroom with it on her right ear and her head tilted to the side. I really have no clue where she gets this from. :D

She enjoys talking too. She can say (well at least it kinda sounds like) ball, hot, Hi There, Hi Chase, Dadda, Momma, Pap pap, that is all I can think of at the moment!

One of my favorite little things she has been doing is when she is hungry she smacks her little lips together. It is so cute!! Also when you read her her Elmo book and she sees the cookies on Cookie Monsters plate she smacks them together and I say, Yummy Cookies!!" and she laughs.

She loves to be tickled all over!! She giggles and giggles!!

Hannah Jo is such a blessing and we love her so much!!
Love, Mommy!

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