Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mac n' Cheese

Hannah Jo was done eating her mac n' cheese and she has started to lick the plate. I got this picture and it is priceless!! Can you see her lil tonuge???

Snack Time!!

Enjoying some water and pretzel crackers on the deck after my big ride!

Riding on the Murrary!!

Daddy gave me a ride on his Murrary!! I can't say I enjoyed it very much!! Daddy says I enjoyed the ride! but the pictures say another thing!

Cooling Off!

It was so hot on Saturday Hannah Jo cooled off with a cup of ice cubes!! she loved playing with them!!

In the backyard

Enjoying the Weekend!!

Time goes by way too fast during the weekend!! We had a fun filled weekend!! We got up on Saturday morning and went to Glen Eagles Neighborhood Yard Sale. Then went down the street to play with Madox, and Kate!! Hannah Jo hasn't seen her lil man in months!! He is so cute!! :-)

Then it was nap time then we were back up and went outside to play in the yard. Then we went to the Clayton's for a cook out! Hannah Jo loved climbing on the corn hole boards and playing wiht the bags. Then it was bedtime!

Sunday was another fun filled day!! Mommy and Hannah Jo went out for a long run in the morning with Lucy!! Some great girl time!! :-) Then we had a birthday party for our friend Nathan. Daddy played basketball and then came home to work on the lawn.

Hannah Jo loved the Murray!! She would point to Jason and say Daadda!! So cute!! Here are some of the pictures of our big weekend!! We grilled out and had a late dinner!!

Then it was Monday morning!! :-)

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Hi Lucy!!

Hannah Jo hanging with Lucy!! It was too cute!! She just wanted to sit beside Lucy Lu!

A Box??

Mommy had one of her Creative Memories boxes laying in teh living room...well guess who climbed in the box and it was too cute!! I had to take a few pics!! Enjoy!!

Big Girl Haircut

Mommy took me to get a big girl hair cut on Sunday April 19th. We went to Kiddie Kutters off of Todds Road. Mamaw, Aunt Linda, and Trevor also joined us. Trevor and I played on the slide before the cut then it was time. I sat in a really cool pink Jeep! I sat there and did really good while Shaneka cut my hair but as soon as she came at me with the hair dryer I was not happy!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Brush and Brush and Brush Your Teeth

Hannah Jo loves to brush her teeth. Well more like she likes to eat the tooth paste and suck on the brush! But she does move it from side to side and then Mommy helps her!! Just to make sure she brushes those little two bottom teeth. But lets not forget the 4 on the top that are trying to come in and the 2 back molars.

14 Months Old

Eating a piece of chicken at dinner last night!

Yesterday Hananh Jo was 14 months old. Where is the time going? I can't seem to keep track. She is growing and growing everday. Her hair is getting longer and is almost long enough to stay behind her ear. I really don't want to give her bangs so that is why she wears her famous pony on top of her head!

She loves to talk on Mommy's cell phone!! She will walk around the bedroom with it on her right ear and her head tilted to the side. I really have no clue where she gets this from. :D

She enjoys talking too. She can say (well at least it kinda sounds like) ball, hot, Hi There, Hi Chase, Dadda, Momma, Pap pap, that is all I can think of at the moment!

One of my favorite little things she has been doing is when she is hungry she smacks her little lips together. It is so cute!! Also when you read her her Elmo book and she sees the cookies on Cookie Monsters plate she smacks them together and I say, Yummy Cookies!!" and she laughs.

She loves to be tickled all over!! She giggles and giggles!!

Hannah Jo is such a blessing and we love her so much!!
Love, Mommy!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

A Big Weekend

This past weekend we headed to Owensboro to celebrate an early Easter with Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood!! We had a great time visiting and hanging out!!

The Easter Bunny left Hannah Jo a pink Easter basket filled with bath toys, peanutbutter eggs, a sugar cookie, and pink chocolate bunny!! Yummy!! The weather was so nice outside we went to the park and then we played outside. Hannah Jo picked us some eggs out in the grass and played with her basket. She even got to visit the Easter Bunny!! She loved the Easter Bunny!! She waived to her from her stroller then went up and sat on her lap. She even gave the Easter Bunny high five. (I will try to scan the pic this week)

Hannah Jo loved the park. She played on the slide, teeter-todder, and climbed up to get to the swirly slide. Mommy helped her once but she insisted to go by her self.