Friday, January 30, 2009

Pe ep Pie

I was playing peep pie with Aunt Linda!!

Mommy is a little behind on postings so here are a few of her favorite shots she has taken recently. Love Hananh Jo

Winter Weather - Snow??

Here was my reaction to the snow!! It is cold!!

Daddy helped me put my hands in the snow.

It has been very icy and snowy here in Lexington!! I hope everyone is safe and warm. Love Hannah Jo

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I love you Lucy!!

Taking a rest with Lucy!!

I was trying to give Lucy a hug!!

Pics from Daddys phone!

I love you Daddy!! You are so Silly! :D

Too small for these big shoes!!
Hello Everyone,

Here are a few pics of me that Daddy captured for Mommy!!

Face Forward

Mommy and Daddy got me a new seat for Daddy's bus. This new seat only sits forward facing so....guess what??? I was able to face forward this morning on the way to Mamaw's house. Daddy installed the seat last night. I really like it and I love to be able to see forward.

Mmmy asked Daddy to take a few pictures of me in my new seat!!! Here I am!!
Love, Hannah Jo

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Splish Splash..I was taking a BIG GIRL Bath!!

I got to play in the big tub tonight for bath time!! I have been in the big bath tub at Grammy's and Mamaw's house but never at my own house until tonight!! I loved it!!

Plus I am getting this walking thing down!! I have been walking all weekend. I can be sitting in the middle of the room pull myself up and stand. Then walk away!! Mommy was so impressed with me yesterday when I did it!! She is totally amazed.
Mommy and I went down the street and I got to see Maddox and Carmen(his sister) for a play date. It was so much fun!! He has lots of toys I enjoyed playing with!!
I hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Hannah Jo

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Christmas Morning!!

Yes Mommy is just a little behind!! ha!!

Love Hannah Jo

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Eating Yummy Real Food!!

Hannah Jo loves to eat panckaes!! Here are a couple pictures of her enjoy them!!

She loves grilled cheese sandwiches too!! :-) Yummy!!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

11 Months Old!!

Mommy was so excited to get you after work and take your picture!! You looked so cute for your 11 month old pictures. But you didn't want to get your picture taken at all!! As you can see by the few that turned out!!

Hannah Jo,

Mommy can not believe you are 11 months old today. It seems like yesterday when you arrived in Mommy and Daddy's life. You are growing and changing everyday. Mommy couldn't wait for you to be able to sit up by yourself, then to roll, crawl, eat food, and now you are stepping all over the house.

You have brought us so much joy and happiness. You have changed our lives forever and we have loved every minute of it.

We love you!!
Mommy & Daddy

PS. Mommy will post some pictures hopefully later tonight of you!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Step by Step Oh Baby!!

Guess what I did yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I walked over to Mommy!! I have been taking a few steps around about 4 -5 then i plop down on my butt and crawl. But yesterday afternoon at Miss Edie's house....I got my balance and was off!!! So...Mommy came to pick me up yesterday and I was over on the couch with Miss Edie and the girls. Mommy walked up the stairs and Miss Edie let go of me and I was off and walked all the way over to Mommy!! Mommy was so excited!! It brought tears to her eyes!! :-) She was so proud of me!! She gave me a big hug and kiss.

Then we headed home and Mommy got the video camera out!! Well she never got me walking on tape but she got me dancing to Aunt Sissy's ring tone!! :-) So then she put the camera way and I walked for her and Daddy!! Daddy was so excited too!!

So overall I am on my way to walking around and I love it!!

Mommy is a little behind on pictures but she said she would be getting some posted soon!!

Love, Hannah Jo

PS Mommy said this title is from some boy band she loved back in the early 90s!!

Happy New Year!!

I want to wish everyone a very Happy New Year!!! I wish everyone good health, happy times, and lots of luck in 2009!!

Love Hannah Jo