Saturday, November 1, 2008

More Halloween Pics!!

Happy Halloween!!

What a day!! I was a little pink lamb!! Thank you Aunt Linda for my outfit!! Daddy, Mamaw, Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood took me to Mommy’s work all dressed up. I got to visit with tons of people!! I got to see where Mommy worked. We also stopped over and saw Miss Edie and the crew!! They loved my outfit!

Next we went to Ryan’s house. His Mommy Veronica was having what turned out to be a Halloween party!! Piper was there with her little boys. Hampton is a little younger than Ryan and Preston is 3 weeks younger than me. We loved playing with each other!! I had a great time at the Frisby’s house.

Next we went to visit the Durbin’s!! Thank you for the gift!! They gave me an awesome treat that was too big for my pumpkin!! J

Then trick or treating in the neighborhood. Mommy took me around to the houses in the neighborhood. I picked out some treats from the dishes. I am such a big girl.

Next stop and last stop was to Uncle Randy’s and Aunt Tammy’s house. I got my picture made with a vampire aka…my cousin Trevor!! But don’t worry he didn’t scare me!! J Then I tried to eat his candy. They told me the wrappers taste bad you want what is inside!!!

What a day!! I was the cutiest little lamb!! Then it was night time!!

Love Hannah Jo

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