Sunday, November 16, 2008

First Visit with Santa

Hannah Jo loved her first visit with Santa Claus!! She loved him. I think he amazed her. She looked at his beard and his glasses. Mommy made her smile for the picture. It was so much fun!!

Love Hannah Jo

Monday, November 10, 2008

Look at me...

Yesterday we had the front door open and we have a storm door. Well need I say more.......
She crawled over to the door...pulled herself up and then tried to eat the glass...

Crawling around!!

Hannah Jo has no problems getting from point A to point B these days. She is crusing everywhere!! She moves all of the living room to the kitchen and our bedroom!
I am loving it!! :-) But we had to baby proof the house!! She also loves to pull up!! She pulls up on everything!!

Don't mind the hair...daddy took out her pony it was sticking straigh up!

If you are Happy and You Know it.....

Clap your hands!!!
Hannah Jo has been clapping her hands non-stop since Saturday morning. We were in her bedroom getting dressed to go run some errands and she just started clapping!! It was so cute!! So she is clapping all the time!! Here are a few pictures....
She is also doing something else...can you guess what????????????????????

Crawling!! She is offically mobile!! I will post a few pics next!!

Play Date with Braden

Last weeken Braden and his Mommy Nicole came over to play!! We had so much fun playing for a few hours!! We both loved playing on my table. Then I watched Braden crawl all around...just thinking about my plan to do that!! :D
Here are a few pics from our play date!!

I just had to add this picture!! This is when the two of them were just 2 weeks old!! Now they are 9 months old!! WOW

Saturday, November 1, 2008

More Halloween Pics!!

Did you noticed I tried to eat some candy??? But Mommy said No No!! BOOOOOO on Mommy!! Kit Kats yummy!! :-)

Don't worry I didn't have any!!

Love Hannah Jo

More Halloween Pics!!

Happy Halloween!!

What a day!! I was a little pink lamb!! Thank you Aunt Linda for my outfit!! Daddy, Mamaw, Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood took me to Mommy’s work all dressed up. I got to visit with tons of people!! I got to see where Mommy worked. We also stopped over and saw Miss Edie and the crew!! They loved my outfit!

Next we went to Ryan’s house. His Mommy Veronica was having what turned out to be a Halloween party!! Piper was there with her little boys. Hampton is a little younger than Ryan and Preston is 3 weeks younger than me. We loved playing with each other!! I had a great time at the Frisby’s house.

Next we went to visit the Durbin’s!! Thank you for the gift!! They gave me an awesome treat that was too big for my pumpkin!! J

Then trick or treating in the neighborhood. Mommy took me around to the houses in the neighborhood. I picked out some treats from the dishes. I am such a big girl.

Next stop and last stop was to Uncle Randy’s and Aunt Tammy’s house. I got my picture made with a vampire aka…my cousin Trevor!! But don’t worry he didn’t scare me!! J Then I tried to eat his candy. They told me the wrappers taste bad you want what is inside!!!

What a day!! I was the cutiest little lamb!! Then it was night time!!

Love Hannah Jo

Happy Halloween!!!!

This post will be a few since they only allow me to add 5 pics at a time!

Love Hananh Jo

Visit with Mason

While at home visiting Grammy and Granddaddy I got to visit with Mason!! He is my cousin and a few months younger than me! My Mommy and his Mommy Heather took us to get our pictures made. We had so much fun! Then we got to play together!! Here are just a few of the pics!! Thanks for sending these Aunt Heather!!

Love you!!
Hanna Jo

Playground with Cousin Trevor

It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon and I went to the park!! Mamaw, Daddy, Mommy, and Trevor took me!! I love the swings!!

Visit with Auntie Ape & Samuel

On our way to West Virginia to visit Grammy and Granddaddy we stopped to see Auntie Ape. Samuel her newphew stopped to see us!! His Mommy Christina and his Grandma stopped too!! He gave me kisses but don't tell my Daddy!! :-) We had a great time visiting them!!

Thanks for letting us crash at your house Auntie Ape!!

Here are a few pics!! Love Hannah Jo

A little behind...

ok Mommy is going to get you all caught up on our lives!! We have been so busy!! Love Hannah Jo