Monday, July 28, 2008

All Cherries!

The weekend has come and gone again!! Last week I was spoiled all week!! My Grammy and Grandaddy kept me the first part of the week then Mamaw, Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood kept me. It was so nice!! I sure did miss Miss Edie and the girls and Chase!! :-)

We had a very relaxing weekend! I went to the Farmers Market and got some yummy kettle corn and then lunch at Panera!! Yum!! Even got to go swimming in Uncle Randy's pool! I love to kick and splash.

On Sunday Mommy and I went to a Baby Shower for Mommy's friend and customer Heather. There were lots of little ones there! I met Ella who is just a few weeks older than me and a new girl named Sara. She was a month older then me.

I hope everyone has a great week!! :-)

Love, Hannah Jo

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bouncy Bouncy Bouncy!!

I love my bouncer!! I play in it while I am at my Mamaw's house!

Thanks Grammy & Granddaddy!

Thank you for taking very good care of me. I love you both! I will miss you!!

Love Hannah Jo

Cereal with Daddy!

Daddy feed me my cereal the other night! He also let me play in my cereal. I like to take a bit then put my fingers in my mouth. Yummy!

Big Weekend!!

Hello Everyone!

I have been so busy! My Grammy and Granddaddy came down to visit me. They arrived on Saturday afternoon! It has been non-stop fun! We went to eat mexican and then to the swimming pool at Uncle Randy's and Aunt Tammy's.

Here I am in the pool with Grammy and Granddaddy! I loved showing them how I swim. I love the water! It is so much fun to kick and splash the water.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Almost 23 Weeks old!!

I am getting mad because I can't get back over!

I was in a great mood this guess what??? Mommy took some pics of me! I am wearing this cute patch work dress my Aunt Cindy sent me!! Plus my yellow bow from Aunt Linda!! They all me me so stylish!! :-)

Love Hannah Jo

Snug as a Bug!!

Good Morning Sunshine!!

I just had to take this picture this morning! I went running with the girls this morning and when I got home I checked on Hannah Jo. She was all snuggled up under her blanket. It was so cute! I had to take a picture!!

Love Mommy!

Some More Pics from the 22 Weeks and A Day!

Hello Everyone!!

Mommy has downloaded some pics of me from last week. I had to share!!

Things are going really well. We had a nice weekend despite the weather. Which put a damper on my sunning time and pool time! I was going to go to the pool with Mommy but Mr. Sun wouldn't come out.

I went to my first softball game. I went to watch Daddy and his friends play. I got to hang out with the girls. Julie was there but they didn't bring Nathan. He was at his Grandma's house. I can't wait to hang out with him at the ball park.

I went shopping with Mommy too and I talked up a storm in Target!! Strangers thought is was too cute!! :-)
Love Hannah Jo

Friday, July 11, 2008

22 Weeks & A Day!

Good Morning!!

Today is a great day! It is Friday! I was in a great mood this morning! I was smiling and laughing!! So Mommy took a pic of me!

Hannah Jo

My Cousin Mason

My Aunt Sissy sent Mommy some pictures of my cousin Mason. He just turned 3 months yesterday. He lives back in Wheeling. His Mommy and my Mommy are cousins. Heather and Chad are his Mommy and Daddy!
Look at his hair! I wish I had that much hair! Then I could have pig tails!! :p
Here are a few pics of him!!

Mason, Heather, & His Aunt Anna (My Grammy)
Mason & Aunt Sissy

Also here are a few pics of us when we met back in May!! Wow we both were so little!!

Love Hannah Jo

Monday, July 7, 2008

5 Months Old Today!

Wow!! Where has 5 months gone! It seems just like yesterday when you entered this world Hannah Jo. Mommy and Daddy are blown away by how you are growing before our eyes! Everyday is something new!!

  • Things you are doing now!
  • You love your Baby Einstein ExerSaucer!!
  • Mommy got you some new toys which you are enjoying!
  • Daddy got you a teething ring which has Pooh and friends on it! This is by far one of your favs!
  • You eat your cereal in your high chair like a big girl!
  • Reaching!! You reach for anything you can get your hands on!
  • Waving! Mommy and Daddy swear you wave Bye Bye!!
  • Rolling! You can roll from your back to your belly!
  • We haven't caught you roll back to your back side! But we are watching for it!

We love you Hannah Jo!!

Love, Mommy & Daddy

Here are a few pics Daddy took of you!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

More 4th of July!

Thanks for carrying me around Daddy!! :-)

Watching the parade with Mamaw!

Taking a nap!! What a great day!!

4th of July Fun!!

Hello Everyone!!
I have had a wonderful 4th of July weekend. I hung out with Mommy, Daddy and Mamaw on Friday! We went downtown and checked out the street fair. I just rode around! :-) Mommy ate her favorite kettle corn!
I got tired riding around in my stroller so Daddy carried me around!! I was loving this!!
This pic is of me and Mamaw watching the parade in town! It was really fun!!
Then we went over to the Branham's to go swimming in the pool! I met some really cool people too!! I even made a new friend name Molly! I can't wait to hang out with her again!
Wow what a holiday!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Rolling Over!!

YA!!! I finally did it all by myself!

I rolled over!! Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me!! I rolled from my back to my tummy! Daddy got me on the video camera and Mommy captured me when I made it over!!

High Chair Time!!


I got to sit at the big table for dinner tonight!! Mommy put my high chair together tonight and I got to sit at the table with everyone. Mamaw Rogers came over for dinner and I got to be apart of the fun!! I love my new seat!!

Thanks Unlce Pooh and Katie for the seat!!

Mamaw also feed me my cereal while I chilled in my chair!!