Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Family Pictures

We had our family pictures taken about a week ago by a good friend. She did a fantastic job. Click on the link below to view the slide show. a

Just to go: http://jenniferallen-photography.com/viewing - click on "children and families" and "rogers family." The password is: jayme.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The things she says!!

Really crack me up!! She is now a little person! With a great personality, loves to laugh and be silly! Can me as sweet as yellow pie!! Her favorite color!!

Momma loves you Hannah Jo!!

Proud Mommy Moment!

On the way to Ms Edie's house on Monday 11/15 Hannah Jo goes "momma momma look an H for Hannah!! We had just passed the big blue Hospital sign!! Ya Hannah for noticing the H!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Dance Class

Hannah Jo loves Dance Class!

my family

at the fall festival!

Dance Class

Hannah Jo and her little friends!!

love this shot!

more lil bee!

lil Bee!

Momma & her favorite lil bee! momma loves you!!