Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Hannah Jo’s 2nd Year Pictures

View Hannah Jo's 2nd year pictures at
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Happy Valentine’s Day!!!

We had our friends from Madisonville in town for the weekend. They have to adorable little boys Peyton and Cooper. They are 5 and 18 months old. Hannah Jo had a blast playing with them both. A funny moment was when Peyton said…”Hannah Jo why don’t you chase me for awhile”. It was so cute!!!

Birthday Party at Ms. Edie’s House

Hannah Jo’s Elmo theme carried over to Ms. Edie’s house as well. She had a party with all of her friends. They enjoyed a cookie cake with yummy icing and ice cream. Jase and Mommy also attended and had a great time. Here are a few pictures of the birthday party.
She received a baby doll from Chase, Barbie dolls from Cosmo and Lily, Little People from Emma, and Elmo panties and a puppy from Ms. Edie & Papaw Sam.

Happy Birthday Aunt Linda!!!We celebrated a big milestone birthday with Aunt Linda!!!

Hannah Jo’s 2nd Birthday Party!!

Hannah Jo had an Elmo birthday party. It was a very small family party and it was perfect. Mommy made the Elmo cake and Aunt Linda and Aunt Jill decorated the cake. It was really cute and very tasty!! We also had mini ham and chicken salad sandwiches, buffalo chicken dip and chips!!

Here are a few pictures of her eating her cake. She sang Happy to you all day to herself. It was so cute!! She leaves out the birthday!! She blew out her candle twice before we finished Happy Birthday so Daddy lighted the candle again. She ate her piece of cake then was off.

Hannah Jo and Ryan!! They had a blast playing together in the wagon. Trevor and Lucian had a great time with Hannah Jo.

Saturday, February 6, 2010