Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tops in Lexington

Daddy and I made the TOPS in Lexington page!!! I know this is similar to the other pic but I think we look better in this one!!


Hannah Jo

Have a great day!!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Me & Daddy!

Daddy and I went downtown on Saturday morning to cheer on Mommy! She ran in the Race for the Cure in downtown Lexington. Daddy and I hung out at the start/finish line and watched everyone take off and come back in. We saw Mommy cross the start line and then come back around and hit the finish line at a time of 25 mins and 45 seconds for a 5K!! Not bad at all Mommy!! :-)

While Mommy was out running kentucky.com took Daddy and I's picture. So I had to post it!!

Love, Hannah Jo

Saturday, September 27, 2008

A Day at the Park!!

Today was a great day with Mommy!! Mommy and I went to visist Robert, Veronica, and Ryan Frisby!! Ryan is getting so to be a big boy and has lots of Hummers!! :-) Mommy and Veronica were able to chat and Ryan and I played at the park. Here are a few of the photos of me and Mommy!! We had so much fun!!

Also I did a really cool move at Ryan's house today. I was laying on my tummy and I did what Mommy called a plank. I pushed up on my hands and my toes. It was just for a second but this means I am going to figure out this crawling thing. :-)

Good Night!!
Love, Hannah Jo

Aunt Sissy!!

Look how beautiful Aunt Sissy looks!! I love you Aunt Sissy!! Love, Hannah Jo

Monday, September 22, 2008


Grammy and Granddaddy got me this new big girl car seat!! I love it!! It is a Britax marathon car seat in Hannah!! So perfect for me!! Plus it has my colors on it chocolate and pink!!

Graham Cracker

Yummy!! I love to eat graham crackers!! Mommy gave me my first cracker on Sunday September 7th! Miss Edie gives them to me all the time!! They are my favorite snack!!

My first UK Tailgate!!

Ya!! Mommy's computer is working!!

Yummy Flip Flop!!

Yummy flip flop! Is this nutritious aunt sissy? Love u!

She said...."too cute, not very nutritious!! yummy!"

New Computer!!!

Mommy told me this morning she got a new computer!! YA!! So she can post new pictures of me and give you the scoop!! I sure have been a busy girl over the past few weeks that Mommy fell behind.

Here are some highlights of pictures and things to come!!

I went tailgating at my first UK game and Auntie Ape came to visit!!

I spent time with Mamaw and Aunt Linda last week!! My cousin Trevor came over to visit me too! He is so much fun to play with!!

Had my first snip!! Aunt Linda cut my bangs!! :-)

I am trying to crawl!!

Grammy and Granddaddy just left they were here to visit for a long weekend!!
They got me the best gift!! A big girl car seat!! Woooohooo!!

Well as soon as Mommy gets her new computer she will post lots of pictures!!

Hannah Jo

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Hello Everyone!!

I had my first tailgating experience this past Saturday! We stopped by Daddy's tailgate to see what all the fun was about. I had a blast!! I got to visit with so many people and wore my little UK cheerleader outfit!! Mommy said I look very cute!!

I got to visits with some friends too. I got to see Bryce and Spencer and Ella! It was so much fun.

Once Mommy gets her home computer up and running she will post some more pics! But here is one for you all to enjoy now!

Love Hannah Jo

Monday, September 8, 2008

Trip to Florida

Last Week: (Well it was almost 3 weeks ago) Mommy and Daddy went to Tampa to visit with Jessica and Jim Bob. They fly down with Uncle Pooh and Katie. They told me they missed me very much and I missed them too! But I was hanging out with Mamaw, Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood. We had a blast! Will give details next.

In Florida Mommy and Daddy met up with Daddy's friend Meng. He is Kenny's personal trainer. So they all went to the concert!! Sure looks like they had a lot of fun that night! Daddy got to met Dickie V! I heard them tell Mamaw they got to meet Kenny too!! Very cool!
They also got to go to the beach and swimming pool!! Plus the Cats played and won! :-)

While they were hanging out I was having a blast with Mamaw, Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood. They kept me so busy. We played, went swimming, stroller rides, and went out to eat! Thank you so much for taking good care of me.

Mommy and Daddy returned on Monday and I was so happy to see them!! Mommy is going to post some pics of their trip!

Love, Hannah Jo

Falling Behind!

Hello Everyone!!

Mommy has been falling a little behind lately. But she is going to get you all caught up here quickly!!

Plus Mommy has a virus on her computer which is making posting on the blog hard. Sorry you all!

Love Hananh Jo