Monday, May 31, 2010

More Memorial Day Fun!!

Memorial Day Weekend Fun!!

We had a great time over the Memorial Day holiday!! We stayed right here in our back yard. We got a family pool and loved it. The water was cold but Hannah Jo didn't mind. She had a blast both Saturday and Sunday. Sunday morning she woke up and the first thing she asked was when she could go swimming. It was so cute. We went to a cook out at Tony, Susie, and Cooper's house. We had a great time!!

My Jase

Hannah Jo is such a little Mommy!! She talks to Jase just like I do. It is the sweetest thing. "Hannah here, Jase". One of my favorites was, "My Jase". She loves to hug on him and love on him.
The last picture is her being a stinker. She is all about taking pictures. And Mommy wouldn't let her!!

Aunt Gwen, Aunt Carloyn & Uncle Darrell

A few weeks ago we were very luck to have family passing through town. Jason's Dad's Aunt Gwen, her daughter Aunt Carolyn and Uncle Darrell. We were so excited to have them stop in Lexington. They live in Fairfax, VA so we dont' get to see them much. This was the first time Aunt Gwen got to meet Hananh Jo. Here are a few pics from their visit. We promised them we would be by to see them!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Hannah Jo is publishing this post!!!

She is sitting here at the computer with me and wants to press the buttons. So my Big Helper is publishing this post!!!


Me & My Brother!!

I can't wait until he can read on his own!! ha!! I love to read to my brother Jase!!!

Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day Momma!! I love you very much!!

I had a wonderful Mother's Day. Hannah Jo & Jase gave me a charm for my bracelett and a beautiful card. Hannah Jo drew me a picture and Jase signed his name (with some help from Daddy). I have had a blessed day!!