Thursday, January 28, 2010

My New Little Brother!!

Jase Henry Rogers has arrived. He arrived on Monday January 25th at 4:11 am. He weighed 9lbs and 3 oz and 22 inches long. He is happy and healthly and I am so excited he is here. At first I didn't want much to do with him but now I love kissing him on the back of his head or his hand.
Here a few pics of me and him!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow!! Finally!!

We finally got some snow here in Lexington!! Hannah loved it!! No as she calls it!
Hannah Jo loved the snow!! We may play in the snow tomorrow!!
What is this??? Hmmm!

Hannah Jo & Mommy!!

Hannah Jo & Daddy!!

Out in front of our house!!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Zhu Zhu Pet!!

Mamaw happen to be at the right Target at the right time before Christmas and picked up a Zhu Zhu pet for Hannah Jo. At first she wasn't sure about it. It runs great at Mamaw's house on her wooden floor. So we took it up there on Saturday. Mamaw said she laughed for hours at Hannah Jo and Oscar. That has become his name!! When Oscar got stuck Hannah Jo would yell, "Stuck Mamaw, Stuck!!" and she wouldn't touch him. Last night she finally got over her fear and was loving him. Here is a video of it. Too funny!!!

Happy New Year!!

We would like to wish you a Happy New Year!! We are looking forward to 2010. The arrival of a lil man in our lives and watching our 2 year old continue to grow and change. We hope each of you have a great new year as well. We love you all!!

Jason, Jayme Jo, Hannah Jo, Lucy, & Lil' Man (due to arrive soon)

I will have to post some pics later!!