Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Not so happy!!

Hannah Jo had this fit last night!! It cracked me up so I had to take a picture to capture the moment!! ha!!

so there are a few more great shots of here!!

Messy Messy!!

Hannah Jo told Ms. Edie today that she was messy messy as she held a clean diaper in her hands. She went potty in her big girl panties and knew she was messy. So potty training is going well. Which is a good thing!!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

It's a Boy!!

Ya!! Today we found out we are having a boy!! We are so excited. Hannah Jo doesn't seem to excited either way. I don't think she fully understands. She knows there is a baby but that is about it.

As soon as the Tech put the sensor on my belly...up there is was. Plain as day. He was not bashful at all. He was proud to show it off. As you can see in the pictures. His Daddy is so excited about a boy!! and so is Mommy. Then he rolled over on to his belly and we were able to get the other shots.

We are truly blessed to have wonderful family and friends who love and support us. Thank you to everyone!! We love you!!

Labor Day Weekend

We headed to Owensboro for a long weekend. We had a great time with Aunt Linda and Uncle Durwood. We traveled down to Madisonville on Monday. For a visit to the cemetary and to visit Uncle Ray and Aunt Debbie. It was a great day!!

Hannah Jo was so cute. She said hi and by to Papaw. Rudy would have loved Hannah Jo. He would have been his prize possession. That is for sure. We made a visit to the grave and reminded Hannah Jo that Papaw Rudy was watching her from heaven.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Bye Bye Daddy!!

I just had to write this down. Hannah Jo loves to tell everyone Bye Bye!! As soon as you tell her we are going Bye Bye she is so excited and runs to find her shoes. So for the past few months she says Bye Bye to Jason as we pull out of the garage in the morning. We are usually out on the street and the door is down but she says bye bye.

Well this morning...as we were pulling out and Jason was already back in the house she says, "Bye Bye Daddy!!"" It was so sweet. She is now trying to make sentences.

Photo flash back. This was almost a whole year ago!! This was the Race for the Cure last September 2008. Where has the time gone!!