Monday, March 30, 2009

Two bottom teeth.....not for long!!!

Ms. Edie just called me and said Hannah Jo's top tooth has broken through so it won't be long before the other three around the top fall down as well. Also she is cutting her two back molars!! I saw them the other night and was surprised to see them popping out too!!

Ms. Edie was so excited when she just called me to tell me.

This might explain why she hasn't been herself at night!! She doesn't want to go to sleep!!

I will try to take some pictures tonight of her new smile!!

I will keep you all posted!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Mamaw!!

On Tuesday we celebrated Mamaw's birthday!! I love ice cream cakes from DQ! They are the best!! The icing on the top was my favorite as you can see!!!
I had to have my own bowl and spoon. Mommy gave me some of the ice cream and I picked it up with my fingers.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Watch out.....

Face first into the water....................oh nooooooooooooo....


Daddy took me swimming a few weekends ago. I didn't like the big pool very much but I loved the hot tub. There was this shark that floated around and I thought it was the coolest thing!! (It was the themometer for the water) As you can tell she had a great time.

Mommy was scrapping at the Hilton Garden for gth weekend so we had access to the pool for a quick dip.

A little behind...

Hannah Jo was so tired from the weekend she couldn't even stay awake through dinner. Jason and I had to laugh...she falls asleep on Ms. Edie but has never done this for us.

I know I am so behind!! I am very sorry! It has been crazy around here. Here are a few pictures of Hannah Jo!